The New Tone Tag Masterlist
a full tag tone / tone tag masterlist of every single tagtone i could find
if i miss some message me on tumblr at @angelivampic
Tag | Meaning |
/j | joking |
/jk | just kidding |
/hj | half joke |
/srs | serious |
/vsrs | very serious |
/hsrs | half serious |
/sarc or /s | sarcastic |
/nsrs | not serious |
/lh | light hearted |
/gen or /g | genuine |
/genq or /gq | genuine question |
/lu | little upset |
/ij | inside joke |
/nm | not mad |
/ref | reference |
/t | teasing |
/nf | not forced |
/nbh | nobody here |
/nbr | not being rude |
/nsb | not subtweeting |
/nay | not at you |
/ay | at you |
/ot | off topic |
/th | threat |
/cb | clickbait |
/f | fake |
/q | quote |
/l or /ly or /lyr | lyrics |
/c | copypasta |
/m | metaphor / metaphorically |
/li | literal / literally |
/rt or /rh | rhetorical question |
/hyp | hyperbole |
/ex | exaggeration |
/p | platonic |
/r | romantic |
/a | alterous |
/sx or /x | sexual intent |
/nsx or /ns | non sexual intent |
/pos or /pc | positive (connotation) |
/neg or /nc | negative (connotation) |
/neu | neutral (connotation) |
/! | excited |
/ao | an order |
/nao | not an order |
/av | a vent |
/br | bragging |
/calm | calm |
/cel | celebratory |
/co or /cf | comforting |
/curi | curious |
/fam | familial |
/fl | flirting |
/fx | flex |
/gentle | gentle / gently |
/gs or /gens | genuine suggestion |
/info | information / informing |
/irre | irrelevant |
/jw | just wondering |
/nabr | not a brag |
/nfl | not flirting |
/nafx | not a flex |
/naq | not a question |
/nav | not a vent |
/nmay | not mad at you |
/npa | not passive aggressive |
/ny | not yelling |
/pa | passive aggressive |
/pf | playful |
/para | paraphrase |
/qp | queer platonic |
/sbh | somebody here |
/st or /state | statement |
/tan | tangent |
/tic | tic, for when something typed out was unintentional due to being a tic |
/ts | to self |
/u | upset |
/unin | unintentional |
/unre | unrelated |
/vu | very upset |
/w | warm / warmth |
/vneg | very negative |
/vann | very annoyed |
/vm | very mad |
/ns | not sad |
/nfta | not forced to answer |
/rat | random thought |
/sug | suggestion |
/aff | affectionate |
/imo | in my opinion |
/jov | jokingly overreacting |
/pr | prideful |
/jpr | jokingly prideful |
/hjpr | half-jokingly prideful |
/md | melodramatic |
/wsu | needs or wants support |
/su | supportive |
/nsu | does not want support |
/dni | do not interact |
/oti | okay to interact |
/pi | please interact |
/pl | please laugh |
/otl | okay to laugh |
/com or /comp | complaining |
/ntar | not targeted |
/b | bitter or bitterly |
/att | ask to tag |
/ind | indirect |
/ovs | oversimplification |
/v | vague |
/vt | vocal stim |
/st | stim |
/gib | gibberish |
/sys | system |
/con | contradicting |
/cj | coping joke |
/e | embarrassed |
/ex or /fex | example / for example |
/exp | explanation |
/hjov | half-jokingly overreacting |
/hpr | half prideful boasting |
/ma | manifesting |
/npr | not prideful |
/outr | outraged |
/? | confused |
/ej | extra joking |
/op | optional |
/ci | caring intent |
/vio | violence / violent |
/fu | furious |
/apa | apathetic |
/napa | not apathetic |
/ncm | not comparing |
/sym | sympathetic |
/nsym | not sympathetic |
/np | no pressure |
/hgq | half genuine question |
/silly | silly |
/lhj | light hearted joke |
/kid | kidding |
/vpos | very positive |
/vneg | very negative |
/er | edited reference |
/nt | not teasing |
/pt | playful teasing |
/sbtw | subtweeting |
/pli | polite |
/pq | polite question |
/nfk | not fake |
/ncb | not clickbait |
/dra | dramatic |
/apl | aplatonic |
/posv | positive vent |
/negv | negative vent |
/neuv | neutral vent |
/sho | showing off |
/jstate or /jst | just stating |
/stfct or /saf | stating a fact |
/pr | please respond |
/pdni | please do not interact |
/pdr | please dont respond |
/byf | before you follow |
/dnf | do not follow |
/dniuc | do not interact unless close |
/dniaa | do not interact at all |
/otf | okay to follow |
/otig | okay to interact if gentle |
/nts | note to self |
/unreal | not real |
/diray | direct at you |
/ndiray | not direct at you |
/rp | roleplaying |
/afph | a few people here |
/apo | apologetic |
/caut | cautionary |
/d | dubious |
/ebh | everybody here |
/fm | fake mad |
/fs | fake sad |
/gs | gaslighting |
/hc | headcannon |
/hp | half platonic |
/ic | in character |
/it | intrusive thought |
/iw | innerworld |
/lv | lovingly |
/mj | mostly joking |
/mjnay | mad, just not at you |
/mr | mostly romantic |
/na | not aimed |
/nbip | nobody in particular |
/nh | not hostile or not here |
/nid | not in danger |
/nmn | not mean |
/nof | no offense |
/nr | no reply |
/dnr | do not reply / do not respond |
/nsd | not self deprecating |
/nyf | not your fault |
/od | overdramatic |
/ooc | out of character or out of cosplay |
/par | parental |
/pers | personal |
/pj | probably joking |
/pnj | probably not joking |
/res | respectfully |
/safe | safe |
/sat | satire |
/sj | source joke |
/tq | typing quirk |
/wp | wrong proxy |
/lhs | lighthearted sarcasm |
/pl | please like |
/otl | okay to like |
/dnl | do not like |
/otiwc | okay to interact with caution |
/otr | okay to reassure |
/pr or /prea | please reassure |
/dnre | do not reassure |
/tol | talking out loud |
/fr | feed response |
/self echo | echoing something you said |
/echo | echoing something someone else said |
/flushed, /flush, /matespritic | flushed / matespritic attraction |
/pale, /pal, /moirallegic | pale / moirallegic attraction |
/pitch, /kisme, /kismesic | pitch / kismesic attraction |
/ash, /ashen, /auspistic | ashen / auspistic attraction |
/aes, /aesthetic | aesthetic attraction |
/sen, /sensual | sensual attraction |
/alteraff, /alteraffectis | alteraffectis attraction |
/ductuaff, /ductuaffectia | ductuaffectia attraction |
/cedu, /cedural | cedural attraction |
/tute, /tutelary | tutelary attraction |
/cute | cute attraction |
made by angelivampic
last updated on 5/7/24