The New Tone Tag Masterlist

a full tag tone / tone tag masterlist of every single tagtone i could find
if i miss some message me on tumblr at @angelivampic

/jkjust kidding
/hjhalf joke
/vsrsvery serious
/hsrshalf serious
/sarc or /ssarcastic
/nsrsnot serious
/lhlight hearted
/gen or /ggenuine
/genq or /gqgenuine question
/lulittle upset
/ijinside joke
/nmnot mad
/nfnot forced
/nbhnobody here
/nbrnot being rude
/nsbnot subtweeting
/naynot at you
/ayat you
/otoff topic
/l or /ly or /lyrlyrics
/mmetaphor / metaphorically
/liliteral / literally
/rt or /rhrhetorical question
/sx or /xsexual intent
/nsx or /nsnon sexual intent
/pos or /pcpositive (connotation)
/neg or /ncnegative (connotation)
/neuneutral (connotation)
/aoan order
/naonot an order
/ava vent
/co or /cfcomforting
/gentlegentle / gently
/gs or /gensgenuine suggestion
/infoinformation / informing
/jwjust wondering
/nabrnot a brag
/nflnot flirting
/nafxnot a flex
/naqnot a question
/navnot a vent
/nmaynot mad at you
/npanot passive aggressive
/nynot yelling
/papassive aggressive
/qpqueer platonic
/sbhsomebody here
/st or /statestatement
/tictic, for when something typed out was unintentional due to being a tic
/tsto self
/vuvery upset
/wwarm / warmth
/vnegvery negative
/vannvery annoyed
/vmvery mad
/nsnot sad
/nftanot forced to answer
/ratrandom thought
/imoin my opinion
/jovjokingly overreacting
/jprjokingly prideful
/hjprhalf-jokingly prideful
/wsuneeds or wants support
/nsudoes not want support
/dnido not interact
/otiokay to interact
/piplease interact
/plplease laugh
/otlokay to laugh
/com or /compcomplaining
/ntarnot targeted
/bbitter or bitterly
/attask to tag
/vtvocal stim
/cjcoping joke
/ex or /fexexample / for example
/hjovhalf-jokingly overreacting
/hprhalf prideful boasting
/nprnot prideful
/ejextra joking
/cicaring intent
/vioviolence / violent
/napanot apathetic
/ncmnot comparing
/nsymnot sympathetic
/npno pressure
/hgqhalf genuine question
/lhjlight hearted joke
/vposvery positive
/vnegvery negative
/eredited reference
/ntnot teasing
/ptplayful teasing
/pqpolite question
/nfknot fake
/ncbnot clickbait
/posvpositive vent
/negvnegative vent
/neuvneutral vent
/shoshowing off
/jstate or /jstjust stating
/stfct or /safstating a fact
/prplease respond
/pdniplease do not interact
/pdrplease dont respond
/byfbefore you follow
/dnfdo not follow
/dniucdo not interact unless close
/dniaado not interact at all
/otfokay to follow
/otigokay to interact if gentle
/ntsnote to self
/unrealnot real
/diraydirect at you
/ndiraynot direct at you
/afpha few people here
/ebheverybody here
/fmfake mad
/fsfake sad
/hphalf platonic
/icin character
/itintrusive thought
/mjmostly joking
/mjnaymad, just not at you
/mrmostly romantic
/nanot aimed
/nbipnobody in particular
/nhnot hostile or not here
/nidnot in danger
/nmnnot mean
/nofno offense
/nrno reply
/dnrdo not reply / do not respond
/nsdnot self deprecating
/nyfnot your fault
/oocout of character or out of cosplay
/pjprobably joking
/pnjprobably not joking
/sjsource joke
/tqtyping quirk
/wpwrong proxy
/lhslighthearted sarcasm
/plplease like
/otlokay to like
/dnldo not like
/otiwcokay to interact with caution
/otrokay to reassure
/pr or /preaplease reassure
/dnredo not reassure
/toltalking out loud
/frfeed response
/self echoechoing something you said
/echoechoing something someone else said
/flushed, /flush, /matespriticflushed / matespritic attraction
/pale, /pal, /moirallegicpale / moirallegic attraction
/pitch, /kisme, /kismesicpitch / kismesic attraction
/ash, /ashen, /auspisticashen / auspistic attraction
/aes, /aestheticaesthetic attraction
/sen, /sensualsensual attraction
/alteraff, /alteraffectisalteraffectis attraction
/ductuaff, /ductuaffectiaductuaffectia attraction
/cedu, /ceduralcedural attraction
/tute, /tutelarytutelary attraction
/cutecute attraction

made by angelivampic
last updated on 5/7/24